Tips To Prepare For Your Showcase Experience

” First Impressions Are Where You Win Or Lose It “
– Oscar Wilde
FIRST GLIMPSE : Prep The Exteriors
When preparing a listing for professional photos, there are some things that are often missed. But no worries! We are here to help! Starting with the exteriors of the home, here are some things to help better prepare for photos:
- Move Cars Out of the Driveway & Away From the Front of the Home
- Remove or Hide Trash Cans (Tucking them away in the Garage works, too)
- Remove Any Signs (Including the Realtor’s Sign, Security Signs, & Sport Team Signs)
- Roll Up the Hose for a Clean Look
- Adjust all of the Blinds & Drapes to give it that Inviting Appeal
- A Freshly Cut Lawn is Always A Plus – Be Sure to Sweep Off the Patio & Sidewalk
- Uncover the Grill & Patio Furniture – First Impressions Matter
Once inside, decluttering and straightening are important. Here are some great ways to accomplish that:
- Remove Objects that aren’t necessary to improve the overall look (such as Cleaning Products, Toiletries, Remotes, Pet Supplies, Baby Toys, etc)
- Remove Small Area Rugs (Showing Off the Flooring is Beneficial and Gives the Space a Larger Appearance)
- Hide Trash Cans & Close Toilets (Anything that reminds a viewer of Chores Can be Hidden)
- Straighten Chairs, Fluff Pillows and Straighten Comforters (All the Finishing Touches Make A Big Difference)
- Replace Any Burned Out Lightbulbs
DEPERSONALIZE : Prep For Potential Buyers To See
When Potential Buyers view the listing online or even in person, they want to feel like they are Home, not in Someone Else’s Home. By removing personal photographs, monogramed items, sports memorabilia, and items that are personal to only the homeowner, you give the listing a chance to be appreciated by all sorts of people and are able to picture themselves living at that listing easier. If you’re worried about the nail holes in the walls, we understand. Some agents will have the seller place decorative paper in the personal picture frames or really get creative in the Depersonalizing Process.
IT’S WORTH IT : Preparation Looks Good & Can Increase The Value
Clean Homes Sell Faster! According to a Top Agent Insights study by Homelight, a deep cleaning could add on average, about $3,700 to the sale of a home. Decluttering could add as much as $6,500! When potential buyers see a home that is clean and well-maintained, they are more likely to see it as a valuable investment and be willing to pay more for it. A clean home can also make it easier for appraisers to assess the value of your home, which can also impact the selling price.